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Well at least the jerky worked! But he more than likely didn't have enough to sate the young cub's curiosity, much less high energy. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out a pouch and tossed it to the shop keep.
"Just take however much it is." He spoke and without missing a single beat, with the same hand, reached back and this time pulled out a bone knife, using the stone floor and the sheer sharpness of the blade to make a clean cut, something to help reduce any fraying that might happen over time to try to give it a longer life.[break][break]
"Yeah. Nothin' a little training on a young critter won't fix." He muttered to himself, holding up the first piece of fabric for the cub.
"Wanna help corral em in so I can wrap the lil fella up?" Kamo wasn't much for words, but when he needed to communicate, he could. And if the cub nipped or snapped at him while he was putting on the scarf, it wouldn't be a big deal. He'd definitely dealt with worse from young sharks.
made by gimmick
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