Are You Lonesome Tonight? [KalvarXAurora/OPEN]
POSTED ON Mar 29, 2022 5:45:20 GMT
Post by Kalvar d'Lyrandar on Mar 29, 2022 5:45:20 GMT
He had no reason to expect any less, and yet for some reason he was still surprised she drank all the water at once. Perhaps it was the survival instincts still crying out to him that he had built up for so long... They no longer needed to exist, did they?[break][break]
As he took the waterskin back from the woman, his eyes slowly scanned across the street once more. This City held hundreds, if not thousands of people. And that number alone was almost too large to imagine. Unsure what else to say to help this poor woman, Kalvar didn't say anything at all. [break][break]
He simply sat there in silence, his mind wandering as he attempted to focus on this strange new world. [break][break]
The strangest part, however, was that it was completely normal to everyone else. [break][break]
After a few more moments of silence, Wind Fairy suddenly began to speak up. "Pardon the intrusion," The bow began, its wooden arms glowing ever so softly green as it seemingly spoke aloud. "Ma'am, you must have a place you sleep. Where do you rest your head? The streets are not kind, and the weather less so."
He had no reason to expect any less, and yet for some reason he was still surprised she drank all the water at once. Perhaps it was the survival instincts still crying out to him that he had built up for so long... They no longer needed to exist, did they?[break][break]
As he took the waterskin back from the woman, his eyes slowly scanned across the street once more. This City held hundreds, if not thousands of people. And that number alone was almost too large to imagine. Unsure what else to say to help this poor woman, Kalvar didn't say anything at all. [break][break]
He simply sat there in silence, his mind wandering as he attempted to focus on this strange new world. [break][break]
The strangest part, however, was that it was completely normal to everyone else. [break][break]
After a few more moments of silence, Wind Fairy suddenly began to speak up. "Pardon the intrusion," The bow began, its wooden arms glowing ever so softly green as it seemingly spoke aloud. "Ma'am, you must have a place you sleep. Where do you rest your head? The streets are not kind, and the weather less so."
[attr="class","ooc-areak"] The true questions —Aurora
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