Gristle and Grit // Open
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2021 13:45:35 GMT
Post by Deleted on Sept 19, 2021 13:45:35 GMT
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made by gimmick[attr="class","bodybox"]
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Braydon was still out here in the wilderness, yes, and his common language was very slowly improving but improving none the less! Either way, the man, with no small amount of strength, hauled a deer he had victoriously brought down. More meat for him to cure to help him through this winter. With a triumphant purr, he placed the deer down and got to work. [break][break]
Time had passed through the day though, and the sun began to set. The man, now finally dressed in more than his old loin cloth thanks to some hunters helping him learn how to make proper clothes that would keep him warmer through this winter, sat next to the fire, watching it.[break][break]
As the cloak made from the dense fur of a bear rest around his shoulders, and he breathed fire into his palms, he could feel snow on the wind. Smoke rose up calmly from his wild camp, meat being cured and a fire to keep him warm while he figured which way he was going to set up his tarp for this winter. Finally speaking more to hunters was begging to pay off for Braydon.
Braydon was still out here in the wilderness, yes, and his common language was very slowly improving but improving none the less! Either way, the man, with no small amount of strength, hauled a deer he had victoriously brought down. More meat for him to cure to help him through this winter. With a triumphant purr, he placed the deer down and got to work. [break][break]
Time had passed through the day though, and the sun began to set. The man, now finally dressed in more than his old loin cloth thanks to some hunters helping him learn how to make proper clothes that would keep him warmer through this winter, sat next to the fire, watching it.[break][break]
As the cloak made from the dense fur of a bear rest around his shoulders, and he breathed fire into his palms, he could feel snow on the wind. Smoke rose up calmly from his wild camp, meat being cured and a fire to keep him warm while he figured which way he was going to set up his tarp for this winter. Finally speaking more to hunters was begging to pay off for Braydon.
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